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>> Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Necessity of a Sex Crime Defense Attorney

Allegations of sex crimes have an immediate impact on the life of the accused, particularly when those accusations are of child sexual abuse. In these cases, the rights of the accused are often trampled in the name of protecting the supposed victim, and society deals a harsh judgment long before the courts even hear the case. Those individuals who are suspected or who are being investigated for such crimes, or who have been accused of a sex crime need immediate representation by an experienced, successful sex crime defense attorney.

When someone is accused of a sexual type of crime, he or she is often assumed to be guilty by investigators, child welfare workers, and society at large. Often, the accused attempts to speak to authorities in an effort to "clear things up." This can be-and usually is-a critical mistake. Anything you say to police, investigators, DHS workers, and even family members or friends can be manipulated to demonstrate your guilt or to appear as an admission of guilt. Some suspects fear that hiring a defense lawyer gives the image of guilt. They think that their failure to hire an attorney communicates openness, showing that they have nothing to hide. This belief could not be further from the truth.

First, everyone in our country has a constitutional right to qualified legal defense. Your decision to protect yourself by hiring an attorney is not an admission of guilt; rather, it is a wise exercise of your legal rights. A defense lawyer can help protect your rights throughout your ordeal, making sure police use appropriate investigative measures, and that your arrest is legal. A SC lawyer is a specialist who knows the workings of the legal system and the judicial process. He or she knows that the evidence against you may be invalid or fraudulent and can help you build a successful defense strategy. A defense attorney has the experience to anticipate prosecutors' next moves in the case against you, strengthening your defense against the accusations.

If you have been accused of a sex crime, you may feel alone and isolated. You may be removed from your home, forbidden contact with the alleged victim or your own children, and shunned by your co-workers and friends. You are not alone, however. A professional defense attorney will stand by you, helping to defend you against the charges and help restore your good name.


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