Jordana Brewster

>> Sunday, February 6, 2011

How to Impress Any Sexy Looking Girl Instantly - Make Them Chase You Down Like Crazy For Attention

Do you know that women have certain psychological buttons which once pressed will get her to do anything you want her to do? Using these same buttons you can impress any woman instantly no matter what you look like or what your financial situation is. There are some stunning underground secret tricks which work every single time. Read on to discover what these tricks are and how you can impress any sexy looking woman instantly too and achieve earth shattering results fast........

Show her that you have a high social value- This is one thing women are instantly impressed by. Tell her stories about what kind of people know you and the level of respect they have for you. You see women always aim for the guy who is normally liked by a lot of other girls and at the same time has a high social value.

Show her that you have a goal in life and you are totally committed towards it- It's not about how much money you have or even your looks but it definitely is all about where you are going in life. You see when you have a vision in life and let the girl know about it she instantly puts you in the category of those rare men who know where they are going in life and have a leader like attitude.
Make her feel good in the moment- You must know that women normally react to their emotions and would accept or reject you based on the way they feel around you. Therefore make sure you give out a positive vibe and at the same time add a lot of humor into your conversation so that she feels great around you. Remember the more good she feels the more points she would give you.


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Wild Sex - The Wildest Sex Positions For Adventurous Lovers

There are various wild sex positions that you can use. These sex positions will stimulate both of you to even greater heights and give you some amazing pleasure that you will never forget. Sex is all about enjoying the pleasure that you get from it. If you are in the same position day in and day out, then you are sure to get bored over a period of time. On the other hand, if you try out some new, innovative, bold and wild positions, then this will help you to get over the boredom and reach the pinnacle of pleasure with your partner. Some of the positions that you would have never imagined and the wildest positions are listed here.

1. On A Propeller. Have you ever had a spinning wheel or a rotating bed that rotates quite fast? If you ever see one, then try having sex with your partner on this spinner. The sex is wild and as the adrenalin rushes with the blood gushing to every part of your body, you are sure to have a unique and surreal sexual experience.

2. Washing Machine. The woman needs to lean on a washing machine that is switched on. As the machine starts moving and shaking, it gives you more pleasure as you have sex. The woman should lean face forward on the washing machine as the male enters her from behind.

3. V Shaped Woman. The woman should be sitting on the counter, while the male is standing right in front of her to enter. If the woman is flexible enough and can keep her legs over the shoulders of the standing male while making love, then the position is one of the wildest that any woman can imagine as she will be 'V shaped' while having sex.

4. Rotating Chair. Have you ever tried sitting on a rotating chair while having sex? Its a heavenly experience and is a wild sex position. The male sits on the chair and the woman sits on top and jumps up and down on him. This grinding sex on the rotating chair gives a whole new meaning to sexual pleasure.

5. Stretched Out. In this position, the woman is standing up and has her legs spread out. One leg is over a table and the other on the floor. The male is standing in front of her and entering her as she clings on to him. This is a great position for deep penetration as well.


Rajini Hot Photos

>> Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sex Offender Profile

The existence of sexual feelings toward family members, friends or acquaintances does not signify a problem. However, the act of focusing on and then reinforcing these feelings create a compulsion to carry out sexual contact with another, including children and negates one's sense of discipline and self-control. Thus, forming an arousal pattern. To act on this arousal pattern and the impulse the person has created, the person insidiously justifies his/her behavior to him/herself.
According to Finkelhor (Finkelhor, 1984; Araji and Finkelhor, 1985) there are four components that contribute, in differing degrees and forms, to the development of a child molester's behavior. To explain the diversity of behavior of sexual abusers, there are four factors in a complementary process. 
These four factors are sexual arousal, emotional congruence, blockage, and disinhibition:
Sexual arousal: In order for an adult to be aroused by a child, there has frequently been cultural or familial conditioning to sexual activity with children: such as corporal punishment and/or sexual child abuse. The most recent study reveals approximately 50% of all sex offenders were victims of sexual assault (Smith & Israel, 1987; Johnson, 1988; Longo, 1982; Seabrook, 1990). 70% of child sex offenders have between 1 and 9 victims; at least 20% have 10 to 40 victims. Serial child sex offenders may have as many as 400 victims in a lifetime. Elliott, M., Browne, K., & Kilcoyne, J. (1995). Child sexual abuse prevention: What offenders tell us. Child Abuse & Neglect, 5, 579-594.
In my work with sex offenders in recovery the statistics reveal 85% of sex offenders were sexually abused as children. Furthermore, corporal punishment triggers sexual stimulation, thus inducing sexual arousal. As adults these corporal punishment and/or sexual abuse survivors use sexual contact to ward off the internal emotional pain caused by the sexual and/or physical punishment. It is a case of doing to others what was done to them. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. This explanation merely explains the behavior not condone it.

Accurate sexual child abuse statistics are difficult to obtain. Different definitions of sexual abuse and incest will result in different statistics. Self-reporting is only accurate if the victim accepts the same definition as defined by the researcher. Even more frustrating is the fact that many survivors do not remember their abuse.

Furthermore the controversy regarding the phenomenon of whether a person can 'forget' something as significant as sexual activity has long been debated. The Betrayal trauma theory has most accurately identified the child's experience. "[The] Betrayal trauma theory suggests that psychogenic amnesia is an adaptive response to childhood abuse. When a parent or other powerful figure violates a fundamental ethic of human relationships, victims may need to remain unaware of the trauma not to reduce suffering but rather to promote survival. Amnesia enables the child to maintain an attachment with a figure vital to survival, development and thriving." (E. Sue Blume, Secret Survivors)

Emotional congruence: There is comfort in relating to a child and satisfaction of emotional need through the abuse. This is apt to be due to arrested development through limited intelligence, immaturity or low self-esteem.

Blockage: Age appropriate sexual opportunities may be blocked by bad experiences with age appropriate adults, sexual dysfunction, limited social skills, or marital disturbance.

Disinhibition: The abuser may lose control through impulse control deficits, psychosis, alcohol, drugs, stress, or nonexistent family rules-coupled with sexual arousal conditioning.

Finkelhor suggests that examination of these factors can help explain why sexual abusers are predominately male. Rowan, Rowan, and Langelier (1981) studied 600 sex offender evaluations in New Hampshire and Vermont and found that in only nine cases (1.5 percent) was the perpetrator a woman. These nine incidents are reviewed in terms of Finkelhor's (1984) four-factor model. In five of the incidents studied, the abuse occurred in conjunction with a dominant male partner; in four, the woman acted independently. The histories of several of the women revealed a history of childhood abuse and all had serious psychological problems or limited intelligence. The victims of the four women who acted independently were male. Of the five women who acted in conjunction with a male, three victimized females, one victimized a male, and one victimized both a son and a 

The authors concluded that none of these incidents were true paraphilics according to the DSM-llI-R but that the female sex offenders did fit the model proposed by Finkelhor. Understanding what motivates a person to abuse children sexually does NOT excuse him or her, or remove responsibility for the choices he or she has made.

Albeit the perpetrator (sex offender) was abused as a child, he/she is still responsible for his/her adult behavior and for the denial system that allows him/her to continue the abuse. The adult is responsible for protecting the welfare of children; therefore, the adult is responsible for protecting children even from him/herself if necessary.


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>> Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3 Tips To Build Rock Hard Abs And Attract Those Sexy Girls

Many guys have spent thousands of dollars on gym memberships, bogus supplements, muscle mags and a whole host of fitness paraphernalia only to realise a huge gut in the mirror. How can we find the truth to building rock hard abs? By reading this article below.
Fundamentals to building rock hard, 6-pack abs

Getting rock hard, 6-pack abs is mainly a result of 3 aspects of fitness - Cardio/Resistance, Nutrition and Recovery. With respect to resistance, most guys have done countless situps and crunches and have therefore built up their abs under a layer of fat. This is where cardio, nutrition and recovery come into play.

With respect to cardio, many swear to do medium intensity, steady paced cardio as a result of fat being used as the primary energy source. Even though this information is true, the truth is, it's not how many calories from fat that matters, it's the total number of calories from carbs, protein and fat that matter in the long run. So what would I recommend over medium intensity, steady paced cardio? HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

HIIT has been shown to burn more calories throughout the day than steady paced cardio as a result of EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). How does one structure their HIIT? By using this example guide below:
1st set - 1 minute walking, 30 seconds sprinting
2nd set - 1 minute walking, 30 seconds sprinting
3rd set - 1 minute walking, 30 seconds sprinting
4th set - 1 minute walking, 30 seconds sprinting
5th set - 1 minute walking, 30 seconds sprinting
6th set - 2 minutes walking, 30 seconds sprinting

With respect with nutrition one should go on a cutting up diet. Most cutting up diets are based primarily on low carb, high protein guidelines. One should also take care not to lower their carb intake too much as this could ruin your health. Also note that with low carb, high protein diets, water loss is quite substantial so make sure to measure your bodyfat percentage with a pair of calipers or bioelectrical impedance scales. Regular scales are often deceiving since they only show your weight hence the importance of bodyfat %.

Lastly, recovery is often overlooked simply because it's unnoticed in everyday life. This is in fact a great time for your body to recuperate since hormones are released that aid in building muscle and fatloss, they include IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor-1), Melatonin and HGH (Human Growth Hormone). As a guideline 6-8 hours of sleep is optimum.

Once you take these 3 aspects of fitness into consideration, you'll be on your way to an enviable set of rock hard, 6-pack abs that will turn heads.

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